
Concurrency Made Easy (CME) is a research project funded by an ERC Advanced Grant awarded to Bertrand Meyer and the Chair of Software Engineering.
Meet the team and get an overview of the project with the CME video:
The ERC Advanced Grant program is the most prestigious funding mechanism of the European Union, with a success rate of about 12% out of a set of applicants (well-established researchers) already strictly self-selected by their institutions. The CME project is the first one awarded to ETH in computer science since the program was started in 2008. The grant is for 2.5 million euros (3 million CHF) over a period of five years (April 2012 – April 2017).
The goal of the CME project is to contribute a breakthrough advance to software engineering by making concurrent programming as straightforward and reliable as other forms of programming. The stakes are huge, since with the end of Moore's Law as we knew it the only path to further performance improvements is through the use of concurrent architectures, but the commonly used techniques, such as multithreading mechanisms in common programming languages, remain at an unduly low level of abstraction, making them hard to use and leading to unreliable programs.
More information can be found in the CME project description.