5 December 2016
Congratulations to Alexey Kolesnichenko, Andrey Rusakov, and Mischael Schill, who all successfully defended their PhD theses today!
6 August 2016
The paper SafeGPU: Contract- and Library-Based GPGPU for Object-Oriented Languages by Alexey Kolesnichenko, Chris Poskitt, and Sebastian Nanz has been accepted for publication in Computer Languages, Systems & Structures.
30 March 2016
The paper An Interference-Free Programming Model for Network Objects by Mischael Schill, Chris Poskitt, and Bertrand Meyer has been accepted for publication at COORDINATION 2016.
18 December 2015
The paper A Graph-Based Semantics Workbench for Concurrent Asynchronous Programs by Claudio Corrodi, Alexander Heußner, and Chris Poskitt has been accepted for publication at FASE 2016.
1 December 2015
SCOOP is now available as a language in the Codeboard web IDE.
1 November 2015
Chris Poskitt is participating in the Dagstuhl Seminar on Verification of Evolving Graph Structures, and will present our work on a graph-based semantics workbench for SCOOP.
26 October 2015
Alexey Kolesnichenko presented the paper Contract-Based General-Purpose GPU Programming at GPCE 2015.
12 September 2015
Bertrand Meyer presented a series of lectures at the LASER 2015 Summer School on the SCOOP concurrency model and its developments over the course of the Concurrency Made Easy project.
4 September 2015
Sebastian Nanz presented the paper Efficient and Reasonable Object-Oriented Concurrency at ESEC/FSE 2015.
12 August 2015
Roman Schmocker has made a new version of the SCOOP documentation available online.
8 June 2015
Claudio Corrodi has joined the team as a research intern to continue his work on automatic verification of SCOOP programs. Welcome!
11 April 2015
Claudio Corrodi and Chris Poskitt attended the Graphs as Models symposium at ETAPS (London, UK) to present some first results on model checking SCOOP programs.
1 November 2014
Roman Schmocker has joined the team as the project's research engineer. Welcome!
14 July 2014
Alexander Heußner from the University of Bamberg is visiting our group, and will give a talk on Asynchronous Concurrent Systems with Waiting Queues.
Scott West successfully defended his PhD thesis Correctness and Execution of Concurrent Object-Oriented Programs. Congratulations!
2 June 2014
Benjamin Morandi and Sebastian Nanz attended COORDINATION 2014 in Berlin, Germany, to present their paper Safe and Efficient Data Sharing for Message-Passing Concurrency.
7 May 2014
Sebastian Nanz presented the Concurrency Made Easy project at the workshop on Reliability of Concurrent and Distributed Software at the Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands.
10 March 2014
The paper Safe and Efficient Data Sharing for Message-Passing Concurrency by Benjamin Morandi, Sebastian Nanz, and Bertrand Meyer has been accepted for publication at COORDINATION 2014.
6-7 March, 2014
The first scientific advisory board meeting of CME was held at ETH Zurich. The photo shows board members Manfred Broy, Maurice Herlihy, José Meseguer, Jayadev Misra, Dave Parnas, and Bill Roscoe with the CME team.
5 March 2014
Benjamin Morandi successfully defended his PhD thesis, Prototyping a concurrency model. Congratulations!
23 January 2014
Chris Poskitt gave a talk on Graph-based modelling and reasoning for asynchronous systems at the University of York, UK.
28 October 2013
Chris Poskitt is visiting the Software Technologies Research Group at the University of Bamberg, and will give a talk on Contracts and Search for Finding Faults.
11 October 2013
Our paper Benchmarking Usability and Performance of Multicore Languages won the Best Paper Award at the 7th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM'13)!
11 October 2013
Scott West attended ESEM 2013 in Baltimore, USA, to present the paper Benchmarking Usability and Performance of Multicore Languages.
29 August 2013
Sebastian Nanz attended Euro-Par 2013 in Aachen, Germany, to present the paper Examining the Expert Gap in Parallel Programming.
25 August 2013
Chris Poskitt and Alexey Kolesnichenko attended SSBSE 2013 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, to present their position papers on applying metaheuristic search techniques to fault finding in contract-annotated programs.
25 August 2013
Mischael Schill and Alexey Kolesnichenko attended MUSEPAT 2013 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, to present their papers Handling Parallelism in a Concurrency Model and How to Cancel a Task.
We produced and published a video explaining the goals of the project by our team members.
30 May 2013
Chris Poskitt gave a talk on Using Contracts to Guide the Search-Based Verification of Concurrent Programs at the University of York, UK.
27 May 2013
The paper Applying Search in a Contract-Based Automatic Testing Tool by Alexey Kolesnichenko, Chris Poskitt and Bertrand Meyer has been accepted for publication at SSBSE 2013.
27 May 2013
The paper Using Contracts to Guide the Search-Based Verification of Concurrent Programs by Chris Poskitt and Simon Poulding has been accepted for publication at SSBSE 2013.
26 May 2013
The paper Handling Parallelism in a Concurrency Model, written by Mischael Schill, Sebastian Nanz, and Bertrand Meyer has been accepted for publication at MUSEPAT 2013.
26 May 2013
The paper How to Cancel a Task, written by Alexey Kolesnichenko, Sebastian Nanz, and Bertrand Meyer has been accepted for publication at MUSEPAT 2013.
24 May 2013
The paper Benchmarking Usability and Performance of Multicore Languages, written by Sebastian Nanz, Scott West, Kaue Soares da Silveira, and Bertrand Meyer has been accepted for publication at ESEM 2013.
9 May 2013
The paper Examining the Expert Gap in Parallel Programming, written by Sebastian Nanz, Scott West, and Kaue Soares da Silveira, has been accepted for publication at Euro-Par 2013.
10 April 2013
The paper Concurrent Object-Oriented Development with Behavioral Design Patterns, written by Benjamin Morandi, Scott West, Sebastian Nanz, and Hassan Gomaa, has been accepted for publication at ECSA 2013.
21 March 2013
The paper Prototyping a Concurrency Model, written by Benjamin Morandi, Mischael Schill, Sebastian Nanz, and Bertrand Meyer, has been accepted for publication at ACSD 2013.
21 February 2013
Bertrand Meyer and Sebastian Nanz give a compact course for IT professionals on Concepts and Constructs of Concurrent Computation at ETH Zurich.
7 February 2013
Chris Poskitt contributed a seminar on the Concurrency Made Easy project to the Programming Languages and Systems group at The University of York.
24 December 2012
The technical report Concurrent object-oriented development with behavioral design patterns, written by Benjamin Morandi, Scott West, Sebastian Nanz, and Hassan Gomaa, has been made available on arXiv.
26 September 2012
Bertrand Meyer gives a keynote on "Concurrent Programming is Easy" at the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES'12), Natal, Brazil.
9 September 2012
The paper Who is Accountable for Asynchronous Exceptions?, written by Benjamin Morandi, Sebastian Nanz, and Bertrand Meyer, has been accepted for publication at APSEC 2012.
31 August 2012
The paper Design of an Empirical Study for Comparing the Usability of Concurrent Programming Languages, written by Sebastian Nanz, Faraz Torshizi, Michela Pedroni, and Bertrand Meyer, has been accepted for publication in the journal Information and Software Technology.
22—29 August 2012
Bertrand Meyer gives a lecture on "Concurrent Programming is Easy" at the 2012 Microsoft Research Russian Summer School on Concurrency and Parallelism in Software, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
27 June 2012
The paper Demonic Testing of Concurrent Programs, written by Scott West, Sebastian Nanz, and Bertrand Meyer, has been accepted for publication at the 14th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods.
12 June 2012
The paper Performance Analysis of SCOOP Programs, written by Benjamin Morandi, Sebastian Nanz, and Bertrand Meyer, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Systems & Software.
31 May 2012
Bertrand Meyer gives a keynote on "Concurrent Programming is Easy" at the International Conference on
Multicore Software Engineering, Performance, and Tools (MSEPT'12), Prague, Czech Republic.